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Take Part

Praying is a privelege we as Christians have, but sometimes it's taken for granted. Prayse's main mission is to re-elevate the importance of praying and praising God despite the distractions in our lives, and Prayse needs your help to achieve that.

As a team of one, I'm blessed to work on Prayse and help people develop a consistent prayer life with God. Lord willing, my prayer is to get to a point where I can fully focus on Prayse as it's something I absolutely love working on and feel led by the Lord to focus on.

How will the funds be used?

The funds received through your contributions will be used to support the following:

Thank you so much for your support and we pray that you would see the fruits of your support through Prayse and through God's blessings. If you are unable to support Prayse financially, you can always support Prayse by just using our app, interacting with us on our socials, and giving ideas to improve Prayse!